Stroke; Symptoms and Recovery

In a normally functioning body; blood supplies oxygen to all the cells in the body. If this oxygen supply is hindered due to some reason, then serious consequences might occur. In the case where blood flow and therefore the supply of fresh oxygen to the brain cells are affected these could cause a stroke. The hindrance to blood flow could be due to a clot in the vessels or due to the bursting of blood vessels. The former is the case that is called Ischemic stroke, and the latter is a hemorrhagic stroke. More than 87% of stroke cases reported in the US are Ischemic stroke making this the most common one among the two types of strokes that occur. Knowing about strokes and understanding the warning signs can save a life. In those cases where stroke symptoms are not picked up at an early stage severe damage including paralysis can occur. There are some who are left with a permanent disability if a stroke is not identified and addressed at the right time.

Symptoms of stroke

  1.    Aphasia – this is where the brain’s ability to process speech as well as to deliver speech can be affected. Brain tumor, brain injury and stroke are the causes of aphasia. A sudden feeling of incoherence in speech, slurry speech or understanding what is being discussed should be taken as a red flag.
  2.    Walking difficulties including the inability to take stable strides and the presence of dizziness can indicate the possibility of stroke.
  3.    Early signs of paralysis could come in the form of numbness followed by feeling weak and the loss of sensation on one side of the body. This would be the side that is opposite to the side of the brain that is affected by stroke.

Face drooping, arm weakness; speech troubles are the following signs that one should immediately look for. If you only observe face dropping or numbness on one side of the face and no other symptom continues then wait for a few hours. This could also indicate the possibility of Mini stroke or transient ischemic attack. If a combination of these symptoms occurs then this indicates that it is time to call for help.

After stroke symptoms and recovery incidents:

When treatment is given on time, there are many who can bounce back to their normal self without any difficulty.

  •    Following a stroke, it is important to follow a healthy diet and cut down all the unhealthy habits like smoking and drinking.
  •    There might be specific exercises recommended based on the condition, and they are to be religiously followed on a regular basis.
  •    Sleep is essential for those recovering from a stroke.
  •    If there was partial or complete paralysis of the limbs, these limbs should be worked regularly so that the brain doesn’t get used to the limb not being used.

There are plenty of programs that are tuned to help those who are recovering from a traumatic stress incident. These can be very supportive in talking about the ways to prevent the recurrence of stroke.